Members arrive
for meeting! |
Board members
with circus theme ready to make entrance! |
Memorial for HCE members that past away during the
year |
Members who received certificates and seals for volunteer hours |
Carol & Arnold Bork
Macon County
Family of the Year |
Thank You to those who helped Sharon with the
2011 Conference! |
Having Fun! |
Bell, to Pleasant Grove for most in attendance,
Gavel, to Oakley for highest percentage
in attendance |
Break Time, Everyone looks at
the many displays |
Guest speaker, Harold Batthauer,
gives us an insight
to NASA's Apollo space program |
Lunch Time! |
Mindy Peterson giving us the latest updates |
50 - 50 Drawing |
Door Prize
Winners |
Centerpieces |
Kodak Moments |
Clowning Around |